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best cooling pillow and buying tips you need to consider

Top 5 Best Cooling Pillows and Buying Tips You Need to Consider

Are you a sweaty sleeper? Do you get uncomfortable with your body’s warmth each time you sleep on your bed? We guess you need cooling pillows next time you sleep. A cooling pillow perfectly cools and refreshes your head, giving you a very comfortable sleep. There is a lot of models and brands available in […]

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What To Do When Baby Has A Prickly Heat Rash?

The first time you encounter a prickly heat rash covering certain body parts of your baby can be very worrisome. You are not prepared – all of a sudden your baby is covered with little bumps, which you might think a fatal disease. You start to panic and ask questions like, ‘What is this?’ ‘Where […]

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is it safe to breastfeed your baby when you have fever or flu

Is It Safe To Breastfeed Your Baby When You Have Cold Or Fever?

Having cold and flu is mostly familiar, and you do not need to be alarmed if your temperature doesn’t get too high. They can always be treated with medicine. However, when you are a mommy and start having flu or colds, you began to wonder if breastfeeding is a good idea especially when you are […]

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best smelling laundry detergents that are safe for baby

Best Smelling Laundry Detergents That Are Safe For Baby

The Laundry Detergents primary job is to remove the stain and clean your clothes. However, it is such a big plus and no small matter for a Laundry Detergent to leave a good scent to your clothes. After all, the scent of the Laundry Detergent will also be the scent of your clothes, and thus, […]

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How Soon Can You Drive After Having Birth? Important Things You Need to Know

There are a lot of things that you might not be able to do during the first weeks after labor. These activities might include some ordinary activities you have had before labor. How soon can you drive after giving childbirth? Read through as we will provide you helpful information through the rest of the article.What […]

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